The community guidelines for are intended to complement and further explain the official 'Terms of Use' and 'Disclaimer'. A condition of using the site is that you agree to abide by the Terms of Use, so please do take the time to read them.
Be a proactive, respectful community member - Keep all communication that takes place on the site civil, lawful and respectful to other users. Keep your contributions informative, engage others and steer clear of attacking another post or member.
- The Question & Answers community should be seen and treated as a helpful and supportive environment. Respect the rights of others to have different opinions to yours.
- If you see a great answer, please click on the 'Helpful' button underneath to endorse it.
- If you see any contribution that you believe abuses our community guidelines, please tell us about it by clicking on the 'Report Abuse' flag.
- Do not impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with anyone or entity.
- Do not post or transmit statements that are intentionally false or misleading, or use such statements to manipulate the market for any security.
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- Do not intentionally violate any other applicable law or regulation while accessing and using the s/ite.
- Do not offer, sell, or buy any security.
Post high quality content - Make sure that when you post a question, an answer, a comment or an article on the platform that you are clear, concise and accurate.
- Ask one single question at a time. Sometimes multiple questions may be required to get your answer; but please post them individually. Even a single question may generate multiple answers.
- If you have an additional question that moves the discussion in a different direction, please ask a new question in the community.
- When posting an answer or comment to a question, stay on topic; your content needs to be specific to the question under discussion.
- Try to avoid lengthy answers, unless a large quantity of content is required to explain your point. The main goal is to use your expertise to communicate something helpful to the community, so make sure that your posts are informative and as objective as possible.
- If posting an article, ensure that you are well versed in the subject matter and conduct proper research to ensure the accuracy of your content.
- Correct spelling and grammar will help people to find your questions, answers and articles and ensure that people know exactly what you are communicating.
- If you are referring to other online resources in your communication, please cite the source of the reference. This makes your information more credible to the community and ensures that credit is given to helpful sources elsewhere on the Internet.
- Do not post or transmit any content that is abusive, vulgar, obscene, hateful, fraudulent, unlawful, threatening, harassing, or defamatory or which discloses private or personal matters concerning any person.
- Do not post, transmit, or link to sexually explicit material.
Categorize correctly - When you want to ask a question or post an article, post it within the correct or closest category. This will result in more people reading your content who are able to help you, and therefore generate more relevant responses.
Use the site for research purposes, not for formal financial advice - Exercise caution when reading posts; although it is assumed that all parties using the service do so in good faith and with the intention of assisting other community members, the information provided in the service may be time-sensitive, and this may impact on both the relevance and the accuracy of the information.
- Bear in mind that the information provided as an answer to a particular question may contain guidance that is specific to the financial circumstances of the person who posted the question.
- Although this service is made available for communal benefit, it is important to remember that sometimes messages are posted that are misleading, deceptive, or otherwise inaccurate.
- Any posting of information on the service is the opinion only of the person posting and in no way reflects our opinions or attitudes.
- does not guarantee the accuracy or veracity of any posting.
- Nothing within this website is, or shall be deemed to constitute financial or other advice or a recommendation to purchase any product or service.
- is not engaged in the provision of any financial, legal or other professional service.
- The responsibility for making financial decisions rests entirely with you, and as such you should not rely on the information you find here to inform your decisions; rather, use it as a starting point for doing your own independent research.
Respect other people's information - Before you provide us with any information about yourself or other people, you must first understand your actions and/or get their permission.
- Exercise caution when revealing personal information to other community members. Remember that health matters, debt information or criminal proceedings or convictions are sensitive in nature.
- In submitting details about others, you are confirming to us that you have their permission to do so, and that they understand how their information will be used under the terms of the Privacy Policy.
- Respect Copyright: Please see our Intellectual Property and Copyright section in our Terms of Use for full details.
- Do not post or transmit any material that you do not have a right to transmit under law (such as copyright, trade secret or securities) or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (as in nondisclosure agreements).
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- Do not collect or store personal data about other site users.
No advertising or solicitation - It is against our rules to advertise or solicit for business anywhere on the site without our permission. This rule is strictly enforced, and if violated, may result in the cancellation of your membership.
- No posting email addresses, phone numbers, social network IDs, or one's own website address outside of the designated profile page space space.
- Do not send any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, 'junk mail', 'spam', 'chain letters' or any other form of such solicitation.
- Do not post links to alternative community groups or forums except with our prior written consent.
As we cannot review all communications by our site users; we rely on you to inform us if you spot any abuse or inappropriate behavior, in which case we will review specific postings. If you believe any infringement of your rights may have occurred elsewhere on the site, please contact us at
We reserve the right (but we are not obliged) to monitor any information transmitted or received through our service., at our sole discretion and without prior notice, may at any time review, remove, edit or otherwise block any post or terminate your membership for violating the above provisions.
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Last updated: 12/23/2015